Manorama Online invites freshers with BE/B.Tech/MCA graduates as Software Development Trainee


Manorama Online invites freshers with BE/B.Tech/MCA background and excellent logical and analytical skills to join our Software Development team.

One year of intensive training on various web technologies and software development platforms including Adobe AEM where you will learn building clean and efficient code based on specifications.

Opportunity to work with senior software developers and solution architects on highly scalable web application development.

Skillset Required:

  • Programming knowledge in Java/J2EE/HTML/ CSS/Javascript.
  • Knowledge in Ul technologies like Angular, React etc would be an advantage.
  • Excellent analytical and logical skills.
  • Open to learning new technologies.

If you are interested, please send your resume to with subject line “Manoramaonline Software Development Trainee – 2021”


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